Modular solutions

Clinics and Hospitals

icMED is the ecosystem of software and hardware modular solutions, designed to meet the needs of medical service providers, designed and integrated for the specifics of Private or Public Clinics and Hospitals.


Practices Module

This module allows the management of the entire activity of a specialized practices/ambulatories, from patient scheduling to diagnosis and treatment. It successfully serves both a private and CAS-related workflow. Automation, real-time control keys, friendly interface and continuous support will make the user experience pleasant, intuitive and always lead to the expected results – settled services, collected payments and satisfied patients.


Module Functionalities

• Easy flow for performing the consultation;
• Issue the prescription, referral ticket, medical leave; 
• SIUI server communication and query facilities; 
• Signing the health card, validating the signature; 
• Reporting to CAS; 
• Download and view reporting errors; 
• Automatic updates; 
• Legislative updates on time; 
• Real-time control and warning mechanisms; 
• Access to the patient's medical history from the entire icMED network; 
• Printing results with automatic data completion; 
• Printing specific office documents; 
• Access to medical statistics and reports; 
• Access to the appointment schedule on the mobile via the icMED.Plan application; 
• Release of .xml for transmission in the ANAF e-Invoice portal; 
• DES facilities.


Front Desk Patient Scheduling Module

It is the module that manages outpatient, imaging, laboratory or hospital schedules and appointments. Here, in a highly configurable way, the activity of each office, doctor or device can be optimized so that an organized flow of patients is obtained, without overlaps, without errors, in an integrated way. The Frontdesk module is the point of convergence for all those working in the clinic.


Module Functionalities

• Electronic register of appointments;
• Direct access by doctors or reception staff; 
• Patient arrival alert; 
• Color signaling in steps regarding charging; 
• Unavailability; 
• Automatic filling of fields with information from the database; 
• Possibility of electronic archiving; 
• Opening and closing consultations; 
• Printing various documents specific to the clinic; 
• Interconnection with the other modules; 
• Send SMS to the patient; 
• Specific frontdesk reports and statistics; 
• Integration with the website for appointments through the clinic website; 
• Quick and easy overview of appointments.


Hospitalization Module Continuous and Daily CJAS and SNSPMS Reports

It is the module that manages the entrances and exits of patients in the hospitalization section of the medical unit. Manages the FOCG from patient admission to discharge, centralizing all aspects of the patient relationship throughout the patient's stay. The integrated module provides access to all medical history, manages medication, medical supplies, investigations and all hospitalization costs. At the end of the month it is reported to SIUI and DRG quickly, securely and without effort on the part of the user.


Module Functionalities

• Records of admissions and discharges;
• Taking over patients in the record; 
• FOCG management; 
• Registration of services and procedures performed in the hospital; 
• Provides the possibility for electronic archiving; 
• Multiple filtering; 
• Exports of statistics in PDF and excel; 
• Evidence of consumption of medicines and materials per patient and/or management; 
• Download and view reporting errors; 
• Facilities for querying the SIUI servers; 
• Reporting to CAS; 
• DES facilities; 
• Updates without user intervention; 
• Automatic legislative updates; 
• Real-time validation and warning mechanisms; 
• Generation and printing of specific documents; 
• Communication with SIUI and DRG (from electronic prescriptions to reports).


Closed Circuit Pharmacy Module

The pharmacy module manages the stocks of medicines and sanitary materials in your institution. It allows both the introduction of new stocks according to the receipt documents, as well as their removal and distribution according to the specific work mode or modes (consumer receipt, drug conditions, etc.). The working mode offers the possibility of defining and configuring management of the closed circuit pharmacy module, being the link between them. Allows and performs transfers, compilation of statistics or reports for the department, for each individual patient. The module allows the issuance of accounting documents: NIR, transfer note, consumption receipt, warehouse sheet, but also consumption reports on various products, stock balance, inventory lists, generation of inventory worksheets and many others, in -an easy and convenient way.


Module Functionalities

• Management of inputs: invoices, receipt notes, stock supply;
• Transfers, stock tracking, stock balance; 
• Consumption; 
• Alerts for expired/expiring products; 
• Supplier situations; 
• PNS reporting; 
• Options for defining and configuring management; 
• Statistics on stocks, products and management; 
• Issuance of accounting documents: NIR, transfer note, consumption receipt, warehouse sheet; 
• Resolving the ledgers (the order of consumption can be set according to the validity periods of the medicines/materials); 
• Reporting in SIUI format of medication consumption; 
• Includes SNVM reporting and Honeywell 2D barcode scanner.


Console Module

The management console module offers the administrator of the medical unit the right tool to track the medical activity and revenues made by each collaborator or department. Through detailed reports, icons and comprehensive statistics for various time intervals, this module is the basis of a healthy management of the medical facility increasing the profitability of the business.


Module Functionalities

• Indicators regarding the activity of the clinic or hospital;
• KPIs ; 
• Detailed X-ray of the income situation , by doctors, by offices, by specialties; 
• Profitability indicators; 
• Forecast for receipts based on appointments and contracts with fixed monthly payment; 
• Income sheet per patient; 
• Demographic indicators; 
• All reports and statistics can be generated using a comfortable number of criteria; 
• All reports can be exported to excel, PDF or CSV.


Imaging Module

The modules intended for medical imaging offer users all the features of the other icMED modules – an easy-to-navigate flow for registering patients with bringing the medical history to the fore, managing the medical consultation, the relationship with CAS. The DICOM VIEWER - DICOM-PACS VISUALIZATION Module can be added to the paraclinical imaging module for a modern and complete viewing of all imaging consultations.


Module Functionalities

• Registration of patient records;
• Access to the patient's medical history, accumulated history following medical visits within the icMED network; 
• Easy documentation of the result; 
• Printing imaging investigation bulletins; 
• Customizable results bulletins; 
• Access to specific medical registers and statistics; 
• Access to the schedule register; 
• Reporting to CAS in SIUI format; 
• Download and view reporting errors; 
• Facilities for querying the SIUI servers (for validating the quality of the insured, for example); 
• Nomenclature updated without user intervention; 
• Automatic legislative updates; 
• Real-time validation and warning mechanisms.


• Accessible as an upgrade of the imaging module;
• Easy access, friendly interface; 
• Connecting to PACS; 
• Allows remote viewing of the performed examinations; 
• Access management by username and password; 
• Electronic images and reports are transmitted digitally; 
• Allows the login of 5 users at the same time; 
• Allows measurements and application of tools on the image; 
• Allows 3D post-processing; 
• Multiplatform accessibility; 
• Image storage according to available beneficiary space.



The laboratory module manages the communication between the laboratory equipment and the computer system, both uni- and bi-directional. It allows both the efficiency of the way of work and the optimization of the time from issuing an analysis request to communicating the result to the doctor who requested the analysis and sending it directly to the patient's unique electronic record. Thus, the overview of the evolution of the patient's pathology is improved.


Module Functionalities

• Connecting the analyzers to the IT system;
• Sending requests to devices; 
• Receiving the results and validating them; 
• Preparation of results bulletins, including partial ones; 
• Configurable design of analysis bulletins; 
• Color warnings for pathological values, previous references; 
• The possibility of defining normal values, by gender and age; 
• Automatic transmission of validated results in the icMED database; 
• Reports and statistics, centralizers, receipts; 
• CAS reporting; 
• Includes the Pathological Anatomy module; 
• The possibility of documenting investigations carried out by devices that do not support connection or manually processed investigations.


Bar Code 

The module for patient identification by barcode system is an icMED solution attached to the modules specific to hospitalization. Its use ensures the fulfillment of a criterion that ANMCS emphasizes in the accreditation process of hospital-type medical units, namely the identification of the patient through modern technological solutions.


Module Functionalities

• Allows the physical allocation of a unique bar code per admission for each patient;
• Allows identification of the patient by scanning the barcode generated by the system; 
• Bar code printing functionality on multiformat media; 
• Printing barcodes on disposable wristbands, labels, FOCG; 
• The barcode for test tubes is resistant to humidity and temperature; 
• The patient bracelet is resistant to moisture and breakage; 
• Once unfastened, the bracelet cannot be reattached to prevent possible fraud attempts; 
• Linking the patient's unique barcode is done through the icMED IT platform,in close relation with the patient's Unique Electronic Record, which already 
contains the data needed to generate a CB for unique identification; 
• Both hardware and software components are offered and supplied.


and updates

This service is included for any module chosen by the beneficiary and contains the following functions: service and technical assistance, call-center from 8 to 20 (unlimited), supervision and advice of GDPR soft medical circuits and electronic medical flow through the Data Protection Coordinator of Syonic, compliance with the requirements of regulation EU 679/2016 on the protection of Personal Data, free updates of the icMED system to subsequent versions and legislative updates, general system configuration, remote or on-site training with medical and administrative staff, interconnection with the rest of the modules in the medical IT platform of the
medical unit.